Expectant Without Expecting
Our testimonies are evidence of Gods gracious and persistent love! They need to be shared and heard. This podcast shares how we as Gods children, are called to be expectant for him to move but often times we place expectations on how he might do it. The Lord will always surpass our expectations!
9 episodes
He Turns Our Mess Into Our Message - Olivia Bridwell
Olivia's testimony is evidence of God's heart for restoration. He restores to completion and keeps no record of wrongs. He truly rejoices over his children returning home. There is so much joy to be found in his grace!

When the Promise Feels Delayed
When we are expectant for the Lord to show up and we know the promise land is around the corner, those last few steps can feel the hardest. How can we wait faithfully on that promise from God?

Body Image & Singleness - Nicoletta Bradley
Nicoletta Bradley shares her testimony as well as her advice for combating lies from the enemy! She shares about body image, singleness, and more. What does it look like to confidently step into your identity in Christ?

Praising Through The Pain - What This Season Has Taught Me
The last month and a half has been nothing short of an absolute whirlwind but in the midst of physical pain and hope deferred, the Lord has met me! Our circumstances are not too large for Gods grace and love. Joy and peace is always up for grab...

Remaining Expectant In The Waiting - Lauren Poey
Lauren talks about her waiting season and how she chose to remain expectant for Gods promises in the midst of hurt and confusion. The stories he writes are much more creative and fruitful than the stories we write! Won't he do it!

The One Who Is Peace Will Bring You Peace - Mary Lauren
Mary Lauren dives into what it looks like to become a bride of Christ waiting expectantly for his return, how unmet expectations launched her into her calling, and how our father's peace really will surpass all understanding!

Finding Hope When Times Feel Hopeless
Myunique Inez shares how the Lord meets her in the midst of a devastating loss. He truly is the only one who brings hope!